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The Ultimate Piercing Healing and Aftercare Guide

Congratulations on your new piercing! But, don't let the excitement wear off just yet. Nurturing your new addition with a healthy, solid aftercare routine is a must. Our piercing experts are here to guide you on your healing journey, ensuring your comfort and safety every step of the way. From piercing aftercare tips to healing guidelines, we've got you covered. Let's make sure your new piercing is the happiest and healthiest it can be!

What to expect:

First, let’s get the myths out of the way. It is normal and most people will experience some - and sometimes all - of the symptoms below while healing their fresh piercing.

  • Slight bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Itching
  • Bruising
  • Soreness
  • Formation of body crusties

During the initial healing stages it’s very common to experience itching, secretion of a whitish-yellow fluid that will form a crust on the jewelry, as well as dryness and redness around the piercing. These symptoms are often mistaken for signs of infection. If you have any concerns the best thing to do is to reach out to your professional piercer.

What are the healing times?

Piercing your ear lobe takes about 8 weeks to heal, but don't be surprised if your body decides to take a bit longer or zip through it quicker than expected. Other ear piercings can take up to 3 to 12 months to completely heal. Each piercing is unique, so it's best to check with your piercing pro to know for sure! To know if your ear bling is fully healed, keep an eye out for any yucky discharge, swelling, redness, or discomfort, and once those symptoms clear up, it might be healed, but hold up - it's always wise to consult with a pro piercer before giving the green light.

Expect to have, and learn from, your own healing journey

Your lifestyle and daily routine play a large role in your healing time ability. Things like having to wear a helmet often can affect the healing time of ear piercings, while frequently doing sit-ups at the gym, swimming at the pool several times a week, or poor posture in particular while sitting at a desk can impact belly button piercings healing. Even working in a dusty environment like construction with exposed nose or ear piercings can influence your healing ability.

It is also important to consider the types of clothing that you frequently wear. High wasted pants or large belts for example, can prolong the healing of a belly button piercing.

One smart tip is to consider the best time of year to get pierced according to your lifestyle. If you play sports that would encourage you to remove the piercing during play, or if it could be damaged due to physical contact such as martial arts or rugby you can plan around your schedule. Summer time and vacations can come with lots of swimming, sand and sun exposure in which case you may not want to have to consider a healing piercing.

Aftercare :

My aftercare suggestions are incredibly simple and effective:

1. Apply a Saline Spray 3-5x daily.

2. Keep dirty fingers and other sources of germs away.

3. Avoid trauma and be gentle.

Gently shake the bottle, apply 1-2 squirts of the mist, and air dry or pat dry with clean, disposable paper products (no rinsing).

How to take care of a fresh piercing?

A sparkling clean piercing is the secret recipe for a happy piercing! Just follow three easy-peasy steps each day, and you'll be well on your way to piercing perfection.